NIDA announces new awards for the Clinical Trials Network


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The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is pleased to announce the award of 13 grants to fund the continuation of the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (CTN).  The CTN provides a means by which treatment providers, researchers, and community-based service providers develop, validate, and deliver new treatment options to patients. The grants will support studies on behavioral and pharmacological therapeutic interventions in rigorous, multi-site clinical trials to determine their effectiveness across a broad range of community-based treatment settings and diversified patient populations. The research findings will be shared with physicians, clinicians, providers and patients in order to help bridge the gap between research findings and treatment.

The CTN framework consists of 13 Nodes, a Clinical Coordinating Center, and a Data and Statistics Center. This framework links a variety of treatment providers and patient populations nationwide, allowing for rapid testing of promising science-based therapies and the subsequent delivery of these treatments to patients in a variety of treatment settings.

For more information, contact the NIDA press office at or 301-443-6245.

Awardees are listed below:

  1. Florida Node Alliance - UG1 DA013720
    University of Miami - José Szapocznik, PhD
    Columbia University - Lisa Metsch, PhD
  2. Greater New York Node - UG1 DA013035
    New York University School of Medicine - John Rotrosen, MD
    New York State Psychiatric Institute/Columbia - Edward Nunes, Jr, MD
  3. Health Systems Node - UG1 DA040314
    Kaiser Foundation Research Institute - Cynthia Campbell, PhD, MPH
    University of California, San Francisco - Constance Weisner, DrPH, MSW
    Group Health Research Institute - Katharine Bradley, MD, MPH
  4. Mid-Atlantic Node - UG1 DA013034
    The Johns Hopkins University - Maxine Stitzer, PhD
    Friends Research Institute - Robert Schwartz, MD
  5. Mid-Southern Node - UG1 DA040317
    Duke University  - Li-Tzy Wu, ScD, RN, MA and Rowena Dolor, MD, MHS
  6. New England Node - UG1 DA015831
    McLean Hospital - Harvard Medical School - Roger Weiss, MD
    Yale University - Kathleen Carroll, PhD
  7. Northeast Node - UG1 DA015831
    Dartmouth College - Lisa Marsch, PhD
  8. Northstar Node - UG1 DA040316
    The Minneapolis Medical Research Foundation - Gavin Bart, MD, PhD
    University of Minnesota - Anne Joseph, MD, MPH
  9. Ohio Valley Node - UG1 DA013732
    University of Cincinnati - Theresa Winhusen, PhD
  10. Pacific Northwest Node - UG1 DA013714
    University of Washington - Dennis Donovan, PhD
  11. Southern Consortium Node - UG1 DA013727
    Medical University of South Carolina - Kathleen Brady, MD, PhD and Matthew Carpenter, PhD
  12. Texas Node - UG1 DA020024
    The University of Texas SW Med Center - Madhukar Trivedi, MD
  13. Western States Node - UG1 DA015815
    University of California, San Francisco - James Sorensen, PhD
    Oregon Health & Science University - Dennis McCarty, PhD