Statement from NIDA Director Nora Volkow on NIDA’s commitment to marijuana research


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As part of its mandate to study drug abuse and addiction, and other health effects of both legal and illegal drugs, NIDA funds a wide range of research on and related to marijuana (cannabis); its main psychoactive ingredient, THC; and chemicals related to THC (cannabinoids). This includes understanding patterns of use, its effects on the brain and behavior, and developing prevention and treatment interventions. Our scientists are also actively engaged in better understanding the cannabinoid system, where THC and other cannabinoids act in the brain and other parts of the body. We are looking at a variety of mechanisms, including their role in addiction, pain, inflammation, and HIV.  Research is also being funded towards the development of medications targeting the cannabinoid system that avoid the adverse effects of smoked marijuana while maximizing its potential therapeutic benefits.

For more information regarding marijuana research at NIDA, go to: