Funding Opportunity Announcements for Collaborative Research on Addiction at NIH (CRAN)


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NIDA, NIAAA, and NCI announce the release of 2 new FOAs to promote the goals of Collaborative Research on Addiction at NIH (CRAN; formerly known as functional integration).  Its mission is to provide a strong collaborative framework for enabling NIDA, NIAAA, and NCI to pool resources and expertise, creating synergies in addiction science, addressing new research opportunities, and meeting the public’s health needs.
The current FOAs are for administrative supplements and competitive revision applications to promote research on new and/or under-recognized opportunities addressing polysubstance use and comorbidity.  Many existing research projects focus on only one substance (e.g., alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, heroin, etc.), yet epidemiological and clinical research indicate that polysubstance use is common, as are co-morbid substance use disorders.  Basic research on behavioral and neural mechanisms reveals overlapping substrates and consequences of exposure to diverse substances. Despite this knowledge, many investigator-initiated projects do not take full advantage of opportunities to address scientific issues related to polysubstance use and comorbidity. Under these FOAs, CRAN will solicit administrative supplements or revision applications for the specific purpose of expanding the scope of currently funded projects to be more cross-cutting and inclusive.
Below are the direct links to the FOAs: