NIDA and INSERM forge new collaboration on the neuroscience of addiction


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NIDA & INSERM sign Memorandum of Intentl-r: Dr. Nora Volkow, NIDA Director; François Delattre, French Ambassador; and Dr. André Syrota, President and CEO of INSERM

On May 7, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) -- the French scientific and technological institute focusing on human health -- signed a Memorandum of Intent to strengthen cooperation in basic and clinical research and research training, specifically in the areas of neuroscience and psychiatry. François Delattre, French Ambassador to the United States, provided opening remarks on the importance of fostering exchange of scientific information between France and the United States, and also signed the Memorandum of Intent.

For an article from the Embassy of France in Washington, go to:

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