NIDA Initiative Provides Increased Funding For Science-Based Drug Abuse Prevention Research

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In remarks today at the 2nd National Conference on Drug Abuse Prevention Research, Dr. Alan I. Leshner, director, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), announced that NIDA will commit $30 million over the next two years to stimulate research that will fill critical gaps in the knowledge and use of science-based drug abuse prevention strategies in communities across the country.

"Our goal is to provide the resources to bring the full power of science to bear on the challenge of developing effective drug abuse prevention programs," Dr. Leshner said.

The National Drug Abuse Prevention Research System will include two components: Transdisciplinary Prevention Research Centers that will blend basic and applied research and involve researchers and practitioners across the country, and Multi-site Prevention Effectiveness Trials that will test the effectiveness of drug abuse prevention programs in diverse populations and encourage the local adoption of these programs.