NIDA Supports Researchers at Hispanic Science International Conference

Sixteen NIDA-supported researchers presented their research earlier this fall in New Orleans, Louisiana, at the National Hispanic Science Network (NHSN) International Conference. This year’s meeting focused on transdisciplinary approaches to current research agendas and the future of addiction research and treatment.

The NHSN conference poster session showcased ongoing research projects to generate discussion about potential collaborations. NIDA–supported scientists from Chile, Mexico, and Spain presented their research at the International Poster Session at the conference, including:

  • Chile: Luis Caris, University of Chile, Facultad de Medicina.
  • Mexico: Marycarmen Bustos, Filiberto Gaytán, Alberto Jimenez, Natania Fróylan Oliva Robles, Vianney Sánchez Pineda, and Jorge Ameth Villatoro Velázquez, Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatria Ramon de la Fuente Muñiz; Octavio Campollo, University of Guadalajara; and Miguel Angel Lopez Brambila, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
  • Spain: Francisco Jesus Bueno-Cañigral, Plan Municipal de Drogodependencias; Antonio Jesus Molina-Fernandez, Proyecto Hombre Granada/University of Granada; Francisco José Montero-Bancalero, Aula de Bitácora; Claudia Cristina Morales-Manrique, Universidad de Valencia; Anna Robert, Hospital Benito Menni Complex assistencial en Salut Mental; Javier González-Riera, The Comprehensive Tobacco Plan for Andalusia/Jaén Health District; and Francisco Javier Romero, Instituto sobre Drogas y Conductas Adictivas.