NIDA Hosts Iraqis

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) International Program hosted a group of four Iraqis taking part in the Iraq–Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Initiative. In 2008, Iraq and SAMHSA launched the initiative, in which multidisciplinary behavioral health teams from Iraq visit SAMHSA and host sites around the United States to learn about various interventions the teams want to adapt for implementation in Iraq. The substance abuse team visited NIDA on November 1, 2010, which included a tour of the National Library of Medicine, a meeting with NIDA staff, including Dr. Jag Khalsa, Division of Pharmacotherapies and Medical Consequences of Drug Abuse, Dr. Cece McNamara-Spitznas, Division of Clinical Neuroscience and Behavioral Research, Dr. Eve Reider and Dr. Tom Brady, Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research, Dr. Petra Jacobs, Center for Clinical Trials Network, and Ms. Dale Weiss, NIDA International Program, and a visit to the Drug Court of Montgomery County, Maryland.