Journal Seeks Substance Use Submissions With an International Perspective

The International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research publishes research reports from countries where there is little current knowledge about substance use, as well as cross-national comparisons and other studies that have global implications. The first issue compiles papers presented at a 2010 meeting on alcohol epidemiology and policy that was held in Kampala, Uganda. Future issues will address alcohol control policies in low- and middle-income countries (submissions due September 30, 2012); international perspectives on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (submissions due November 30, 2012); and international perspectives on alcohol, drugs, and traffic safety (submissions due December 31, 2012). The publication is the official journal of the Kettil Bruun Society for Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol. The co-editors in chief are Kathryn Graham, Ph.D., Canadian Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), and John Clapp, Ph.D., San Diego State University. The NIDA International Program and CAMH have provided support for the peer-reviewed journal, which is published online at no cost to authors or readers.