Dr. Kathleen T. Brady Recognized

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The Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Board of Trustees bestowed the title of Distinguished University Professor upon Dr. Kathleen T. Brady on February 12, 2010. A leader in addiction research, Dr. Brady has studied co-occurring substance abuse and mental health disorders and their treatment. Dr. Brady serves as Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine at MUSC and graduated from its medical school.

photo of Dr. Kathleen T. Brady

With the Distinguished University Professor title—the highest academic honor granted by the university—the MUSC Board of Trustees recognizes scholars who are transformative leaders. Including Dr. Brady and the three other leaders inducted in 2010, only 32 individuals have received this MUSC designation.

Dr. Brady is the principal investigator and director of the Southern Consortium of the NIDA Clinical Trials Network, which tests substance abuse therapies in community-based treatment settings. She also serves as director of the South Carolina Clinical and Translational Research Institute, recipient of a 2009 National Institutes of Health Clinical and Translational Science Award. Dr. Brady is on the Editorial Board of Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, NIDA's peer-reviewed journal for drug abuse researchers and treatment providers. Her research focuses on victimization and post-traumatic stress disorder among substance users, with an emphasis on translating study findings into effective treatment interventions.